Skim Coat Wall Putty

September 06, 2021

1.The redispersible emulsion powder can be dispersed into a film and play a strengthening role as a second adhesive; The protective colloid is absorbed by the mortar system (it will not be destroyed by water after film formation, or “secondary dispersion”); The film-forming polymer resin is distributed in the whole mortar system as a reinforcing material, thus increasing the cohesiveness of the mortar. Improve construction performance in wet mortar; Improve flow performance; Increase thixotropy and sag resistance; Improving cohesion; Extended opening hours; Enhanced water retention.

2. mortar curing to improve tensile strength; Increase bending strength; Reduce the elastic modulus; Improve deformability; Increase the density of the material; Increase wear resistance; Improve cohesion strength; Reduce the carbonization depth; Reduce material water absorption; Make the material have excellent water increase (add water increase rubber powder).

The role of redispersible latex powder in putty powder:

It has outstanding waterproof performance, good bond strength, can also increase the elasticity of mortar and have a long opening time, and give mortar excellent alkali resistance, can improve the mortar adhesion/adhesion, bending strength, wear resistance and constructability, in the flexible crack mortar has a stronger flexibility.

The role of redispersible latex powder in putty powder: strong adhesion and mechanical properties, outstanding water resistance, permeability, and excellent alkali resistance, wear resistance, and can improve water retention, increase opening time, enhance durability 1, the role of newly mixed mortar

(1) Improve the constructability.

(2) Add additional water retention to improve cement hydration.

(3) Increase workability.

(4) Avoid early cracking.

2. the role of hardening mortar

(1) Reduce the elastic modulus of mortar and increase the matching of the base.

(2) Increase flexibility and anti-cracking.

(3) Improve powder resistance.

(4) hydrophobic or reduced water absorption.

(5) Increase the adhesion to the base.

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